Clear Water Alabama 2025 will be held on September 24-25 in St. Clair County. Stay Tuned for Registration and Sponsorship OpportunitiesClear Water Alabama
Seminar topics typically include audience-engaging discussions and presentations of current water-quality issues and solutions, natural resource protection efforts, case-studies, and the state of the practice for stormwater management. Regulatory updates and opportunities for professional networking are also a part of the agenda. The Field Day typically offers visits to elements of Alabama's water-related built and natural environments, demonstrations of best management practices and product applications, and additional opportunities for networking with some of the states most dedicated stormwater professionals and experts. Clear Water Alabama moves around the state to highlight the diversity of Alabama's waters, topography, and people. The event is coordinated by the Alabama Erosion and Sediment Control Partnership with support from the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee and the Alabama Stormwater Association. Next year's event will be held on September 24-25, 2025 at in St. Clair County.Stay Tuned for future Registration and Sponsorship OpportunitiesMy community is interested in hosting a future Clear Water Alabama